
Quite simply, Bijou Blue Plate is a collection of eats that we believe to be a step above the rest. BBP was born simply out of a desire to express what we love. We wanted a venue where we could share our finds with locals and tourists alike, and showcase the gems of our cities. Real food, real talk, real fun.


Left to Right: Debbie Dang, Hang Dao & Christine Dang

Hang Dao – While some may not know she’s a brilliant wine aficionado, many will agree that Hang is a savvy fitness guru. Lover of things healthy and natural, her active lifestyle sheds many insights on all things nourishing for the soul, body, and mind. With running shoes in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, her dual persona is the epitome of balance; that hard work will always reap a well-deserved reward.

Christine Dang – Being the philosophical member of the team, Christine is a huge advocate for simple home cooking with fresh, local, and organic ingredients. Equipped with a love for all things living and a ferocious taste for simplicity, her effervescent personality reminds us what it is to be kind to our environment while making use of the most basic cooking techniques. Go ahead, picture a hippie in your kitchen – and now imagine that hippie cooks like Jamie Oliver.

Debbie Dang – Often referred to as the cynic of the trio, Debbie’s passion for adventure is often misconstrued for a reckless demeanor. While her tastes might not be the healthiest, she is perpetually revitalized with different cuisines and exotic flavours. Whether it be filling up on street vendors, food trucks, or simply someone else’s lunch, her favourite dish is never served twice.

We love, we live, we eat and we play. The ladies of Bijou Blue Plate want nothing more than you for to join us for the ride!

*** If you own or know any great restaurants that could be featured on our site, please feel free and leave us a message by clicking here.

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